Wednesday, 21 January 2009


Thanks to my wonderful OH I now have my very own craft space. We only have two bedrooms so space is at a premium for us but despite this my OH still managed to make me my own little area to craft in so I no longer have to manage on the dining table or use his desk. His time, patience and DIY skills and my bargain £3.99 charity find chair (not shown)makes for a fab little craft station that I adore. Yipeeeeeee!!!

Since this photo was taken I have managed to squeeze all my crafty bits on around my work station area, bought the above mentioned chair and filled the notice board shown with gorgeous makes received from the lovely ladies off CB.


pinkpuppy said...

O your craft space looks so tidy and organised! not at all like mine lol

Aims said...

Oooh Pips this is so exciting! It is great to have your own space :) sadly mine is not as tidy as yours he he

Aims x

tiggertastic said...

Pips this is excellent, what a fantastic space to craft in
sarah x

Maggie said...

Great craft space, it's so tidy too, great blog, I have a little award for you over on my blog. Margaret